Civitas Diaboli was a one-man raw black metal band, inspired by the Nattens Madrigal album by Ulver that was released in March 1997.

The first songs for Civitas Diaboli were written in spring 1997, not long after Danny became familiar with Ulver's Nattens Madrigal album. Initially all lyrics were written in Norwegian, but during summer most of those were changed to English. By the end of the summer four songs were completed and on September 22 and 23, 1997, they were recorded and mixed at M123 studio in Leiden using a drum machine. The three songs with lyrics in English appeared on the demo tape And To Devastate... which got released in late September 1997. Around the same time the Civitas Diaboli project came to an end.


- And To Devastate... (tape, September 1997)